Omgelabelde producten op een rij

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Hier een lijst met omgelabelde producten, gesorteerd per winkel en per merk.
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Salsa = Nico Street Dance
Planets = Nico Night Fever
Skyline = Nico Power Box
Rock Show = Nico Mega Blink Show
Power Station = Nico Top 100 o. Kapriolen
Symphony = Nico Trommelwirbel
Oscars Römisches Licht = Nico Roma Lichterorgel
Jet Set = Nico Speed Race

Devil Dancer = Comet Rapid Fire

Colourful Palace = Diamond Crackling Diamond
Flash & Sound = Diamond Crackling Palm

Pfennigpfeifer / SB-Center
Venezia = Weco Hot Waves
Tiger = Weco Tanz der Vampire
Dragon = Weco Draconia
Flying Dogs = Weco Kometenfinale
Diabolo = Weco T-Rex
Galactica = Weco Captain Jack
Starfire = Weco Grand Spectacle

Penny Markt
Star Trip = Burning Hellfire
StarlightShow = Profi Starter Pack

Racing Star = Keller Goldbombette
Red Baron = Keller Happy Diamonds
Spirit of Fire = Keller Midnight in Paradise
Laser Show = Keller Lichterparade
Grenada Beach Party = Keller Set bestehend aus ( 1x Lichterparade, 1x Goldbombette, 1x Caribbean Star )
Monster Vulkan = Weco Pina Colada
Caribbean Star = Keller Ramses

Dragonfire = Weco Draconia
Fast and Furious = Weco Aquila
Heart Breaker = Weco Ipanema
Power Tube = Weco Kometenrohr
Steam Hammer = Diamond Salute
Big Crackles = Weco Thunderbolt
Fire Mission = Weco Crossfire
Power Box = Weco Rockn´Roll
Sky Hunter = Weco Da Vinci
Hot Shots = Pyromaxx Speed Lights

Aldi Nord
Delta = Weco Thunder
Voyager = Weco Air Express
Galaxy" = Weco Big Bumbles
Meteora = Weco Medusa
Asteroid = Weco Fire Mission / Crossfire
Explorer = Weco Top Gun
Enterprise = Weco Lighthouse
Helix Vulkane = Weco Fegefeuervulkan

Aldi Süd
Fort Lauderdale = Weco Air Travel
Reno = Weco Aquila
Seattle = Weco Top Gun
Toronto = Weco Air Express
Fantasy Island = Weco Big Bumbles
New Orleans = Crossfire

Scirocco = Keller Edition Orkan (silber)
Great Stars = Keller No.1
Profi Selection = Keller Profi Festival / Magic Fire
Light of Fire = Keller 2 x 120-Schuss-Systemfeuerwerk
XL-Bombettentower = Keller Pole Position Set bestehend aus ( 1x Großes Bombettenspektakel, 1x Goldbombette, 1x Imola )
World of the Stars = Keller Night of the Stars

Full Power = Keller Sternenparade

Toom Baumarkt
Devil Dancer = Comet Rapid Fire

Full Power = Keller Sternenparade
Top Stars = Keller Lichterparade
Laser Show = Keller Lichterparade
Pole Position = Keller Großes Bombettenspektakel, Goldbombette, Imola

Samba Stars = Weco Stepdance
Latin Lights = Weco Pina Colada
Gladiator = Set bestehend aus 1x Weco Tanz der Vampire und 2x Weco Dicke Bertha
Heaven & Earth = Weco Flashlight


Rainbow Fire = Multi Power
Yokohama = Wild Dragon
Grand Canyon = Diabolo
Kapriolen = Mega Blinkshow; Top 100; Power Station
Magic Tower = Power House
Power Box = Skyline
Night Fever = Planets
Street Dance = Salsa
Speed Race = Jet Set

25 Carat = Goal, Sol
Fire & Ice = Kometenpower; Flash Attack
T-Rex = Diabolo
Flashlight = Saphir; Saturn 20; 20th Century; Heaven & Earth
Sidekicks = Opal
Medusa = Midnight Mystery; Phantom; Meteora
Kometenfinale = Van Gogh; Tornado; Flying Dogs; Intercontinental
Rock´n Roll = Caipirinha; Powerbox 100; Orion; Colour Twins (Doppelpack); Maxi Shot; Nordi
Sky Hunter = Da Vinci; Disco Star
Speed Shells = Salsa
Stepdance = Samba Stars
Grand Spectacle = Las Vegas (Doppelpack); Multi Shot; Atrior; Starfire
Hot Waves = Venezia
Airtravel = Michelangelo
Nightlife = Monet; Sweet 16
Draconia = Dragon Fire; Dragon
Termanitor = Thors Hammer
Captain Jack = Palm Star; Galactica
Starship = Airborne
Aquila = Penalty; Beli; Alien; Reno; Fast & Furious
Ipanema = Heartbreaker
Thunderbolt = Big Crackles
Thunder = Delta
Air Express = Voyager; Toronto
Tanz der Vampire = Cosmic Gate; Gladiator; Big Shot 1; Tiger; Tyr
Predator = Cosmic Gate (Achtung: nicht effektgleich mit TDV)
Dicke Berta = Attila
Blockbuster = Bombastica
Crossfire = Fire Mission; New Orleans; Centaurus; Barracuda; Asteroid
Purple Rain = Sound Attack, Crossroads, Silver Scream

Ramses = Caribbean Star
Megafinale = Alexandria
Fantasie in Gold = Golden Sky
Goldbombette = Blue Sky; Racing Star; Imola; Pole Position
Sternenparade = Full Power
Twinkle Stars = Flash Stars
Blue Moonlight = Blue Hellfire
Sinfonie in Grün = Green Hell
Concerto Rosso = Red Skylight
Happy Diamonds = Red Baron
Midnight in Paradise = Spirit of Fire
Lichterparade = Laser Show; Top Stars
No. 1 = Great Stars
Silver Comets = Silver Lights


Musical = Moonlight Dancer
Passo Doble = Midnight Express
Samba Tropicana = Smashing Starlights
Funk & Soul = Skyguide
Blues Night = Skylight
Caribbean Stars = Heaven on earth
Halli Galli = Starlight & Thunder
Cabaret = Brilliant Sky
Primero 1 = Thunder & Stars
Primero 5 = Night Thunder
Primero 6 = Skybanger
Primero 7 = Great Fireflash
Primero 8 = Lucky Stars
Primero 9 = Happy Sky
Rapid Fire = Devil Dancer

Maniac = Feuersturm
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